
About Me

Welcome to my Farm Blog!

I've been a high school science teacher for over 20 years and love to teach kids and experiment with my farm!

Animals on the Farm
Living here on the farm we have many animals!

    My horse, Bevin
    The goats, Vienna, Hairy, Mint Chip, Munchkin, Sundae, Cherry, and Cookie

    The sheep, Cody and Patch

    The chickens, with Ricky the Rooster

    The bees

    The tortoise, Cubby

    The cat, Lily

I love working with the fiber that we get from the sheep and goats.  The sheep are Olde English (Babydoll) Southdowns and the Goats are Pygoras.  I spin the fiber from the goats and sheep into yarn, or use it to create felt.  The various projects that I do include:
Using Natural Dyes
and More...

Here on the farm we do a lot of gardening and raise various vegetables and herbs.  I grow cool weather vegetables all year round in a cold frame, and when they're in season I grow pumpkins, raspberries, tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers

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