
Thursday, February 18, 2016

After School Science: Rocks and Minerals

 Lesson today on Rocks and Minerals.  
Igneous - formed from fire
Sedimentary - formed in layers
Metamorphic - formed from pressure

Rocks are mixtures and have no definite chemical composition
Rocks are made up of minerals

Minerals are pure substances and are made up of elements 
Minerals have chemical formulas, which means they form in definite ratios
Minerals form crystals
You can use the Mohs Hardness scale and a streak test to identify a mineral

Samples to show.

Great to use the Smart Board!

We had 8 different samples for the students to identify.  The students labeled their boxes and picked out their samples.

The finished box with warning label: Keep away from small children.  Do not place rocks and minerals in your mouth!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Honey Tasting

Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend a two day workshop on honey tasting.  The workshop was led by Marina Marchese and Raffaele Dall'Olio.  Both are expert teachers trained in Italy.  I know Marina personally because she is a past president of the BYBA ( the bee club I belong to).

Marina's book The Honey Connoisseur is a fascinating read.  It's full of information on the sensory analysis of honeys from all over the world. 

Why take the Workshop?  Because where else can you sample 20 different  honeys and learn how to use your senses to tell them apart!  Not all honeys are sweet!

The darkest honey in the photo is Buckwheat.  It also has a strong taste.  

This is Sunflower Honey from Italy.  Its color was bright golden yellow and it had a fruity flavor, but was not very sweet.   It had a pineapple aroma . 

This is a sample of Goldenrod Honey.  The flavor was intense, spicy and warm.  It tasted sweet and floral and had a floral aroma. 

This is a sample of Citrus Honey from Florida.  Its color was extra white.  This honey tasted like its aroma, like a fresh, floral citrus flower.

Pairing cheeses with honey.   I really enjoyed this part of the workshop!

It also was fun to talk with everyone about our lives with bees!